Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why "honey bee"

I'm not sure it's all connected but somewhere along the line, as I was getting my histamine under control, I developed seb derm. Which meant that my face became flaky, oily, blotchy and very itchy. I know, attractive. And there was no way I could use foundation to cover the mess up because the flakes were even more noticeable.

As I'd been on so much medication for my urticaria, I decided I didn't want to use anything too strong on my face. So I googled seb derm and fell on Auburn's natural honey and virgin coconut oil treatment. Here's the link: Auburn's treatment

Basically what the treatment entails is putting a honey mask on your face for 3 hours every other day, cleansing your face with honey morning and night and using virgin coconut oil as a moisturizer. The treatment should last for roughly a month. Once it's finished, continued cleansing with honey and moisturizing with virgin coconut oil is recommended with weekly honey masks. 

I have to say, honey became my saviour. With it's anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, my skin seemed to love it. It wasn't the same story for the coconut oil however. I tried it out for 3 weeks and it seemed like it was blocking my pores. So I switched it out for aloe vera. And what do you know, it's working. The redness has subsided and I have a lot less flakes. It's been a month so fingers crossed my seb derm keeps improving.  

In the meantime, I just want to say: 


Honey Bee

(I am by no means an expert so this advice is purely informational)

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